Adverse Weather Information

On occasions, schools across the country find themselves in the position of having to close due to an emergency situation for example gas, water, sewerage leaks, failure of the boiler and heating systems or severe inclement weather.

When an emergency situation occurs the Headteacher and CEO will make an informed decision about whether the school needs to close for Health & Safety reasons – such a decision is never taken lightly.  At all times, the Health & Safety of the children, parents and staff is of paramount concern.

The school will close only in exceptional circumstances, therefore please assume that the school will be open. The school will only close, or close to some year groups, in the event of:

  • a facility malfunction in the building, e.g. boiler breaking down/power failure,
  • a substantial number of staff not being able to reach their place of work, otherwise the school will remain open.
  • Severe weather which is deemed a health and safety risk.

In the unlikely event of closure this will be posted on the school’s Facebook page and Website

We will also send a text message and email to parents.

In the event of the weather seriously deteriorating during the school day, students will normally be kept in school until the end of the afternoon and released at the normal time.

In the unlikely event of an unforeseen early closure we will endeavour to make contact with you via text or email (with telephone contact where necessary). No student would be released until this had happened.

Unfortunately, for health and safety reasons, we cannot allow students to play with snow. Therefore, snowballing and other such games are banned and students will generally be kept indoors during breaks.

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