New to WES? FAQs

Parents and Carers of Year 6 students.

Q: Does my child have to wear William Edwards school uniform during induction week

A: Yes please. During induction week, your child is a member of William Edwards school, so no primary school badged uniform please.

They will need to wear:

BOYS: Black (or grey if you haven’t got your uniform for September yet) tailored trousers NO SHORTS and a white business-style shirt; no polo shirts please.

GIRLS: As above or black (or grey as above) skirt with opaque black tights, no socks with skirts and no bare legs please.

ALL: Shoes must be black, business style shoes, no trainers and no heels. If you do not yet have a blazer or school tie, please do not worry, September is fine for those.

Q: What happens at the beginning and end of the day?

A: During Induction Week, the school day is organised like this:

⦁ On site by 8.25am – food available from 8.00am.
⦁ At tutor room for first bell at 8.35am. Please sign in and collect your name badge from the walkway area on the Monday morning of Induction Week before going to Tutor.
⦁ Seated ready for morning registration at 8.40am.
⦁ First break – food available – 10.55am.
⦁ Second break – food available – 1.20pm.
⦁ Afternoon registration is at 2.50pm and school finishes at 3.00pm

NOTE: from September 2016, school will finish at 3.20pm on Mondays and 3.05pm Tuesday to Friday

Q: Can my child have meals from the school canteen during Induction Week?

A: All students can use the school canteen at any of the serving times during Induction Week so long as:

⦁ You have a Wisepay account which is in credit at the time of purchase
⦁ Your child had their biometric scanning recorded

NOTE: It is easy for students to spend more than they intend in the first few days/weeks of using a cafeteria style canteen.

If your child is entitled to free school meals, this facility will be available during Induction Week.

Q: What about if my child wants to bring a packed lunch?

A: Packed lunches can be eaten in the canteen or the walkway area. Please remember to pack plenty of non-fizzy, non-sugary drinks as well as food.

Q: Can my child bring their mobile phone to school?

A: We accept that you may want your child to have a mobile phone with them but please note the following:

⦁ Mobile phones are not to be used during the school day, they should be turned off and kept in a bag or pocket, during lessons and during breaks. All emergency contact between students and home/parents/carers must take place via the school office.
⦁ If students are found using their phone, other than as part of a planned lesson activity, it will be confiscated, sent up to the main office for safe-keeping and a parent or carer will need to come to school to collect it.
⦁ We cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to phones or other electronic devices that are brought into school.

Q: Does my child need to bring their PE kit during Induction Week?

A: Your child will have a PE lesson during Induction Week but it WILL NOT be on the Monday. They will receive a personalised timetable on Monday morning, please check this to see which day they will need to bring their PE kit.

Q: Does my child have to have William Edwards PE kit during Induction Week?

A: No, we accept that many parents and carers will be purchasing PE kit during the summer break so primary school PE kit is acceptable this week, although we do ask that you ensure that your child has non-marking trainers and that they are proper trainers and not fashion imitations.

Q: What happens if my child is unsure of something, doesn’t know where to go or gets lost around school during Induction Week?

A: Don’t panic!

⦁ During tutor time, students are grouped and seated in a ‘family’ which includes members of all year groups, so your child will get to know other students from all years very quickly.
⦁ Each new pupil is assigned a Mentor from their tutor group who is available to provide daily support and guidance.
⦁ PALS: a whole school initiative with trained students who are available to offer support, guidance and a listening ear and who will help any student who is lost, bewildered or anxious.
⦁ Teaching and support staff will be around all week to help – just ask.
⦁ Pastoral Support Staff: are available to deal with any serious, complex or ongoing issues.
⦁ Mrs Taylor is Pastoral Manager for Bruyn and Rokell Houses.
⦁ Mrs Heighway is Pastoral Manager for Warren and Whitmore Houses.
⦁ Mrs Meek who you may recognise from Primary School, is the Family Support Worker and is here to help with your transition to William Edwards.

Q: Where can I drop my child off in the morning and collect them at the end of the day?

A: Please do not walk or drive onto the school site at the beginning or end of the day unless you are delivering or collecting an injured child, going to Visitors’ Reception for some reason or meeting with a member of school staff.

Students can be dropped off in the pull-in areas at the front of the school gates or a short way from either of the pedestrian entrances.

If you and your child fail to meet up for any reason at the end of the school day, students should go to the walkway area or to Student Reception where there will be a member of staff, and parents/carers should go to Visitors’ Reception and we will reunite you.

Q: What happens if my child needs to take medicine during the school day?

A: We can only accept prescription medicines for administering to students during the school day – and these must be signed in BY A PARENT with one of the school’s medical team. Pupils must not carry their own medication (except for inhalers and epipens), or expect to be able to access non-prescription medicines in school. Items such as over the counter hay-fever medicines should be taken before school, at home.